These bags are Hermes Birkin Bags, which are one of the most expensive bags in Korea.
The prices of the bags are usually more than $10.000.
According to the article of E-Today, Korean economy News paper, there are more than 1,000 people who are on the waiting list for these bags. The people have to pay for these bags, which cost $10.000, in advance and wait for 1 year at least because the supply of these bags is not sufficient.
From my perspective, this kind of consuming behavior is unreasonable. Although the bags are made by very skillful master craftsmen, I do not think the bags' real value is more than $10.000. I believe there are many people who just follow the images of Hermes, which are very luxurious and rare without thinking of rational consuming decision.
I'd like to listen to other people's points of views about this case in Korea.
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